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Year One

Mrs Mills is the teacher in our Year One class. Mrs Hinchliffe teaches on a Tuesday morning or afternoon and all day Friday. Our PE day is Tuesday.

Class Saint

St George. Patron Saint of England. Feast day is 23rd April. 

St. George was raised a Christian and always wanted to be a soldier. When he was old enough, he joined the army. The leader of the army decided that everyone in his army must worship him and the Roman gods instead. George refused. Knowing that he would soon be arrested and executed, George gave all his money away to the poor and prepared himself for death. 

St George, pray for us.


Spring Term Curriculum Overview


Numbers to 20 including comparing, ordering and 1 more and 1 less. Addition and subtraction within 20 including counting on, number bonds, doubles, near doubles, counting back, finding the difference and missing number problems. Numbers to 50 including making groups of tens and ones, partitioning into tens and ones and 1 more and 1 less. Length and height. Mass and volume. 


RWI Phonics—set 2 and 3 phonemes and reading fluency • Using capital letters and full stops correctly to write short narratives and non-fiction texts. • Writing capital letters for days of the week and proper nouns. • Spelling past and present tense verbs correctly (e.g., jump/jumped, play/played). • Introducing adjectives—what they are and how to use them


From Galilee to Jerusalem 

· Identify some of the people that encounter Jesus and recognise that he is special

Make simple connections between Jesus’ announcement of his mission (Lk 4:16-19) and how Christians are called to tell people about God’s love today.

Ask and answer questions about the story of Zacchaeus and how he changed after meeting Jesus.

Desert to Garden

· Make simple connections between Jesus’ time in the desert (Lk 4:1-13) and Christians praying and fasting for forty days in Lent.

· Recognise that Jesus shows the importance of giving to others, making simple connections with the story of the widow’s mite (Lk 21:1-6) and the season of Lent

· Correctly sequence the events of the last week of Jesus’ life

· Recognise simple connections between the use of ashes and the Christian belief that Lent is an opportunity for a new start


The focus in the local area including the UK. Key learning includes:

- Know the countries of the UK and locate them on a map

- Know the capital of England is London

- Know that they live in Sheffield and Sheffield is a city in England

- Know the difference between physical and human features

- Name features of Hillsborough

- Understand simple maps

- Know 4 directions on a compass - North, South, East and West 


Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees

Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.

Observe changes across the 4 seasons

Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies

Design and Technology

Mechanisms - Wheels and Axels


Balls Skills and Gymnastics


Digital painting and Moving a robot


Simple rhythms by clapping, chanting and performing on percussion


Understand the importance of family, and of being close to and trusting their special people, especially their parents. Learn that it is important to talk to their special people about things that are troubling them. Investigate how their behaviour can affect other people. The significance of saying sorry. Learn the difference between good secrets that are safe to keep, and bad secrets that are unsafe to keep. Learn how to resist pressure when feeling unsafe. Know that they are entitled to bodily privacy. Learn that medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are good for us and alcohol and tobacco are harmful substances. Learn about what is and isn’t an emergency and that in an emergency, they (or an adult) should call 999. Learn some basic principles of First Aid.