Year Three
Mrs Barden is the teacher in our Year Three class. Our PE day is Monday.
Class Saint
St Kinga. Patron Saint of Poland. Feast day is 24th July.
Kinga became princess when her husband ascended the throne as High Duke of Poland. During her reign, Kinga got involved in charitable works such as visiting the poor and helping the lepers. When her husband died, she sold all her material possessions and gave the money to the poor. She did not want any part in governing the kingdom which was left to her, and decided to become a Poor Clare nun in the monastery at Sandec. She would spend the rest of her life in contemplative prayer and did not allow anyone to refer to her past role as Grand Duchess of Poland.
St Kinga, pray for us.
Spring Term Curriculum Overview
Multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Length - measure in mm, cm and m. Measure and calculate perimeter. Compare and order fractions. Count in fractions. Find equivalent fractions. Mass - measure in g and kg. Capacity - measure in ml and l.
The Y3 class text this term is The Iron Man. Key learning includes: simple, compound and complex sentences, edit and proofread writing, use adverbs, form letters correctly, spell some Y3/Y4 common exception words correctly.
From Galilee to Jerusalem.
· Retell, in any form, the visit of the Magi and explain what the visit of the Magi and the gifts they bring show us about Jesus.
· Show a simple understanding of what the kingdom of God is and is not.
· Show a simple understanding of a miracle of Jesus (either Matt 8:5-13 or Matt 9:1-8) showing that it is a sign of the kingdom and the compassion of Jesus
· Show knowledge of two parables of Jesus, making links between them, to show some understanding of what the kingdom of God is like.
Recall the ‘Our Father’ prayer and make simple links between the prayer and building the kingdom
Desert to Garden
· Retell in any form the story of the feeding of the five thousand.
· Recall the words and actions of Jesus at the last supper and make simple links with his words and actions in the miracle of the loaves.
· Describe how Jesus showed his love at the Last Supper and how he shares this love when people celebrate their first Eucharist.
· Make links between the story of the Last Supper and the Mass, giving reasons for these links.
· Recognise that the Church teaches that the Eucharist is the meeting point where God gives himself to communicants as food; they receive the Body of Christ and become ever more united in his Body the Church
Y3 will be studying Mountains and Volcanoes. Key learning includes:
- Name the layers of the Earth
- Know about tectonic plates and the ring of fire
- Know the 3 types of volcanoes
- Know the cause of earthquakes
- Locate key places on maps
Design and Technology
Textiles - 2d shape to 3d product
Scratch Programming
Call and Response
Learn ways to maintain and develop good, positive, trusting relationships and strategies to use when relationships go wrong; that there are different types of relationships; that good friendship is when both persons enjoy each other’s company and also want what is truly best for the other; the difference between a group of friends and a ‘clique.’
Develop a greater awareness of bullying (including cyber-bullying), that all bullying is wrong, and how to respond to bullying. Learn about harassment and exploitation in relationships and how to respond.
Learn to recognise that their increasing independence brings increased responsibility to keep themselves and others safe; how to use technology safely; that just as what we eat can make us healthy or make us ill, so what we watch, hear, say or do can be good or bad for us and others; how to report and get help if they encounter inappropriate materials or messages.
Learn to judge well what kind of physical contact is acceptable or unacceptable and how to respond; about different kinds of abuse, including ‘abuse of private parts’; that there are different people we can trust for help, especially those who care for us.
Understand the effect that a range of substances including drugs, alcohol and tobacco can have on the body. Learn how to respond in an emergency including first aid. Learn it is our responsibility to follow the rules at home, school and in our country, some of our rules and laws are based on our rights and rights protect us and ensure everyone is treated equally.