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Year Three

Miss Carberry is the teacher in our Year Three class. Our PE day is Monday.

Class Saint

St Christopher. The Patron Saint of Travellers. Feast day is 25th July

St Christopher's life is surrounded by many amazing stories. Christopher wanted to serve the greatest King on Earth. His travels led him to kings, rulers and even the Devil before learning about Jesus. Christopher served Jesus by helping guide boats and people across a dangerous river. One day a small boy asked Christopher to help him cross. The child grew heavier and heavier and Christopher barely made it to the other side. The boy revealed that he was Christ and that Christopher was to help him carry the burdens of the world. Christopher then went and taught many people about Jesus.

St Christopher, pray for us. 

Summer Term Curriculum Overview


Fractions: Add and subtract fractions. Partition the whole. Fractions of a set of objects. 

Money: Convert pounds and pence. Add and subtract money. Find change. 

Time: Roman numerals. Tell the time to 5 minutes and to the minute. Read digital time. Use a.m. and p.m. Years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Shape: Angles, horizontal and perpendicular, parallel and perpendicular. Recognise and describe 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes. 

Statistics: Pictograms, bar charts and two-way tables.  


Focus text is The Queen's Nose by Dick King-Smith


Energy: Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Choices: Importance of Examination of Conscience

Special Places: Holy places for Jesus and the Christian community


Year 3 will be studying Street Art. We will learn about the origins of street art and famous street artists both globally and locally in Sheffield. Children will visit Millenium Gallery to view an Exhibition of Phlegms work.


Plants - learn the names of different parts of plants, and the jobs they do. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate what plants need to grow well, and will present their findings.

Design and Technology

Food: a healthy and varied diet


Athletics: sprint, jump for distance, push throw, pull throw



Texture: thin and rich textures, monophonic, homophonic and polyphonic textures, melody and accompaniment, mixing textures

Musical Processes: ostinati, drones


Living in the Wider World: learn some of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching to help them to live in communities in the way God intends. Teaching includes the common good, the human person, social relationships and stewardship. Further learning on careers, where value will be placed on how school and on-going learning options contribute to our future work opportunities.  Consider financial stewardship through budgeting activities, discussions about the pros and cons of different payment methods, and learning about financial risks. This is all underpinned by the religious understanding that true happiness comes from knowing God’s love and finding our identity and worth in Him.