Year Two
Mrs Senior is the teacher in our Year Two class. Mrs Hinchliffe teaches on a Tuesday morning or afternoon and all day Thursday. Our PE day is Thursday.
Class Saint
St Francis of Assisi. The Patron Saint of Animals and Ecology. Feast day is 4th October.
St Francis was a man of wealth and business who had a dream that God told him he had it all wrong. St Francis became a man of God who gave up all his possessions and began to preach. Others joined his simple life. St Francis had a deep relationship with nature - he felt all of God's creation was part of his brotherhood. He wrote the beautiful Canticle of the Sun that expresses this brotherhood with creation.
St Francis of Assisi, pray for us.
Spring Term Curriculum Overview
Counting and comparing money. Finding totals and calculating change. Make and add equal groups. The 2, 10 and 5 times tables. Doubling and halving. Odd and even. Length and height (cm and m). Mass (g and kg), capacity (ml and l) and temperature.
Key learning includes: identify adverbs, join sentences using and, but, or, so, use capital letters and full stops consistently, write coherent narrative and clear information texts, form letters correctly and spell common words correctly.
From Galilee to Jerusalem
· Retell, in any form, the story of John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus.
· Begin to recognise ‘parables’ with reference to the parable of the lost sheep (Lk 15:4-7) and how Jesus uses them to teach people about God.
· Recognise that everyone is tempted to make bad choices (sin), but that God loves and forgives all people.
· Begin to recognise that the miracles of Jesus are signs that he is the Son of God.
Desert to Garden
· Recognise what Jesus said on the cross about forgiveness and make simple connections with the belief that God always forgives us.
· Recognise that Lent is a time for reconciliation and forgiveness.
· Describe the Sacrament of Reconciliation, making simple connections between the sacrament and a belief in God’s forgiveness.
· Talk about the symbols of light and water in the Easter Vigil Mass
Y2 will be comparing the geographical features of Sheffield and Goa, India. Key learning includes:
- Describe direction
- Name and locate continents
- Know the terms equator and hemisphere
- Name physical and human features
- Use symbols and keys on maps
Describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants.
Describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow
Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
Describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival
Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.
Design and Technology
Food - Preparing fruit and vegetables
Digital music
Duration (crotchet, quavers, crotchet rest), unison, round
Learn that we are unique, with individual gifts, talents and skills. The names of our body parts including genitalia. Learn what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity, dental health and healthy eating, the importance of sleep, rest and recreation for our health and how to maintain personal hygiene. Learn that it is natural for us to relate to and trust one another, that we all have different ‘tastes’ (likes and dislikes), but also similar needs (to be loved and respected, to be safe etc) and a language to describe our feelings. Gain a basic understanding that feelings and actions are two different things, and that our good actions can ‘form’ our feelings and our character. Learn simple strategies for managing feelings and maintaining good behaviour and that choices have consequences; that when we make mistakes we are called to receive forgiveness and to forgive others when they make mistakes.